Wednesday, November 30, 2005

If It Seems Too Good To Be True...

Well, I should have learned from experience. We had a darn nice Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday up until bedtime, and then...

When Samantha was in Portland she emailed me to say (in part) that on reflection, she didn't need to sleep with other people to get what she wants. Once again I took that to mean that she had reconciled herself to being monogamous. So naturally I was surprised late last night (why is it always late at night when I have to be up at work in the morning??) she brought the whole thing up again, and lo and behold, we were (seemingly) back where we were a month ago, more or less. We had a very nasty fight and she slept on the couch.

On top of that, I caught her in a lie. When she first told me she was extending her time in Vegas she said she just "had some things to do". Well, it was really that her ex-fiance had asked her to stay a couple more days, so she did.

I'm really upset and wondering why the hell I am bothering with all of this. Gang, this is your cue to say "I told you so!"


Blogger That 30's Guy said...

Cut your losses guy. She's got issues, and growing up is one 'em. Move on. I'm not going to say I told you so, only because I don't think I ever told you to cut bait.

I am now.

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you're w/ the right person, that person's behavior doesn't cause you pain.

3:52 AM  
Blogger confused said...

your bothering with it all because you love her. Dont fault yourself for that. Yes she does have some growing up to do and It sucks that your taking the fall. But talk to her about her ex and the fact that she didnt tell you the truth. TALK dont yell, keep your conversations at a low key and without her knowing she will do the same. you can resolve things much easier with a calm tone in your voice.

Good Luck

11:46 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

wow, don't know the whole story so I can't say "i told you so" but I DO hope it works out for you....

6:47 PM  
Blogger The Team said...

Hey there -- She sounds like a "schlep". Not sure what she's doing in Vegas with her ex, but of all places to be, Vegas is a den of inequitity. Would make me very nervous... I'd toss her off the couch and out the door.

1:42 PM  
Blogger The Team said...

Hey there -- She sounds like a "schlep". Not sure what she's doing in Vegas with her ex, but of all places to be, Vegas is a den of inequitity. Would make me very nervous... I'd toss her off the couch and out the door.

1:42 PM  

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